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Portable Electronics Solar Charger Range

This solar power charger range contains near-universal solutions for charging portable electronics such as your mp3, PDA, handheld games and other small devices.  There's a handy solar USB charger too.

Portable solar power - ideal for travellers and expeditions.

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Best Sellers


  •  overall very pleased both with product and service. 

    Jul 31 2018

  •  Buying a solar powered system for your home right now is a no-brainer. Besides saving money in the long term, I feel good about using renewable energy. 

    June 19 2017

  •  excellent service and after sales support 

    Jan 9 2017

  •  Great product and service. 

    april 28 2019

  •  Very helpful people. Will definitely trade with them again. 

    May 9 2022

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