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Emergency Gadgets & Equipment

Power cuts can be more than just a nuisance. Stumbling around in the dark is a real pain (pun intended), bruising shins (or worse) on the furniture and walking into doors. With the power out there's no telly or radio either for the latest news, which means no easy way of finding out what's going on.  At the request of one of our web visitors, we've put together some handy gadgets for your emergency kit.

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  •  Great service. 

    KR, Germany

  •  My wife and I chose Select Solar, to install a photovoltaic (PV) system after lengthy research and talking to other solar installers. What impressed us first was how easy it was to talk with Colin Howe and how knowledgeable he was with the current state of the solar industry. We had two requirements in reducing our electrical cost; find a way to reduce our daily demand and then create supplemental power that we would use in our house and feed back to the local electric grid. 

    Nov 19 2016

  •  We are very impressed with your efficient, prompt and friendly service and will not hesitate to recommend you. 

    PS, Stevenage, UK

  •  Easy to order and no problems whatsoever.100% happy. 

    Nov 4 2018

  •  Ace Solar Power 

    Jan 6 2017

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